How to Make Fish Lele Lele Abon

These fish processing Abon Lele Lele:
1. MaterialMaterials used in the manufacture of Abon fish catfish catfish catfish are still fresh. Physical characteristics that must be possessed catfish meat can be raw material for fish catfish Abon is in good health, bright flesh color, the meat was chewy, and do not stink.
2. AdditiveSome adjuvants are commonly used in the manufacture of shredded are spices, sugar, salt and flavorings. Types of spices used are garlic, coriander, galangal, lemongrass and bay leaf.
3. Industrial EquipmentA number of semi-mechanical equipment used in the manufacturing process Abon Fish catfish catfish, are:
* Machine drainerThis machine is used to remove water that has been boiled fish flesh (draining I), and dispose of cooking oil will Abon fish had been fried catfish (draining II).
* Meat shredder machineThis machine is used to grate the coconut and galangal.
* Sealer (packaging equipment).This tool is used in the packaging of Abon Fish Catfish
4. Production ProcessThe production process Abon Fish catfish catfish is relatively simple and easy to do. In general, the production process Abon Fish Catfish, starting from the procurement of raw materials to the stage of packing fish Abon Fish catfish catfish, are as follows:
# Procurement of raw materialsThe raw materials used are catfish are still intact and fresh, henceforth do the weeding.
# Weeding raw materialsIn the process of weeding is cutting fish and meat washing fish, then the fish heads and entrails removed. Fish meat should direndan weeding stage results in water mixed with vinegar. The water content of vinegar used is ± 2%. This was done to make the stench go away. Besides emngunakan vinegar tang on catfish can also be eliminated by adding the seasoning shredded lemongrass.
# BoilingPieces of fish that has been marinated in vinegar and then compiled into a large saucepan and boil for 30-60 minutes. The boiling process will be stopped after the fish flesh becomes soft. During the boiling process is also added bay leaves and salt to boil.
# DrainingFish that has been boiled and then pressed with a pressing machine. Before pressed, fish meat should be drained beforehand about 5-10 minutes. Pressing stage aims to reduce the water content of fish meat that has been boiled. The less water content contained in the meat, it will be better the meat fibers are produced.
5. LacerationOnce the fish meat is pressed, and then carried through a shredding process serat.-fiber. This process can be done by hand or with a shredder machine (rollers).
6. Giving Spices and Coconut MilkAt this stage, the fibers of the meat shredding results added auxiliary ingredients (spices). Spices are added consisting of: garlic, coriander, galangal has shredded with grater machine, sugar, salt, lemongrass, coconut milk and curry leaves can also be added, to give a sense of the Abon Fish curry Lele Lele
7. FryingOnce the spices are evenly mixed within the fibers of meat, fish, and do fryers ± 60 minutes. During the process of frying, stirring continuously done so Abon mature fish catfish produced evenly and marinades can penetrate well. Phase pan will be discontinued after the meat fibers Fried brownish yellow.
8. Draining IIThe next stage of production re pressed fibers fish meat that has been fried. The process of pressing the second phase aims to reduce the oil after frying process.
9. Shredding IIOnce pressed, then do the second stage shredding to prevent clumping. The process of shredding the second phase will be terminated after the formation of the final product in the form of Abon Fish Catfish with a uniform texture.
10. PackagingIn the final stages of packing Abon Fish production in catfish. If the packaging is not immediately made, the product Abon Fish Catfish will first be saved in a large plastic bag (tension) in storage, prior to packaging.


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